USDA authorizes Monsanto to genetically modify the Human Geonome through Milk
The USDA gave full approval to Monsanto’s (MON) genetically engineered alfalfa, dealing a huge victory to large farm groups and the biotech industry. For organic advocates, who fought ferociously to keep Monsanto’s crop off the market, it’s a crushing blow, and one that may wind up driving the price of organic dairy higher, thanks to the fact that alfalfa is such an important part of cows’ diets.
via The USDA Says Yes To Monsanto, And Now Organic Milk May Cost Even More – CBS News.
If you consume GMO’s the way they can be designed under certain circumstances can change your very DNA and Geonomic structures that you’re composed of and that you pass down to your progeny. If the GMO’s happen to be created specifically for that purpose they could be targeted to change a species over time to make them for example more docile, more violent, more resistant to disease, or more prone to disease, depending on how the GMO’s are engineered. Meaning the maker could use chemically treating the Milk with GMO’s to make the overall consuming population more docile, easier to conquer and keep under control, or to chemically make them “evolve” to a state induced by the GMO chemical consumption.