Satoshi Nakamoto stands at the end of his sunbaked driveway looking timorous. And annoyed. He’s wearing a rumpled T-shirt, old blue jeans and white gym socks, without [Read More]
Laser Rifle The effort, by the U.S. Army’s Advanced Energy Armaments Systems Division and Stellar Photonics, has a lot in common with another military laser project: the [Read More]
Vocal cords were overrated anyway. A new Army grant aims to create email or voice mail and send it by thought alone. No need to type an e-mail, dial a phone or even speak a [Read More]
O beautiful for spacious skies, For amber waves of grain, For purple mountain majesties Above the enameled plain! America! America! God shed His grace on thee, Till souls wax [Read More]
A table of the most successful teams at the World Cup Team Titles Runners-up Third place Fourth place Top 4 finishes Brazil 5 (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002) 2 (1950*, [Read More]