When analyzing a long term complicated problem, usually it is best to go back to the source of that problem to see things as they are and understand…
The Green “New” Deal that is being pushed by Democrats in the USA is nothing new. The term “Global Green New Deal” was coined by the United Nations a…
Abortion of babies especially after they are born seems like something that any decent human being would say should not be done. However money is the…
S.2692 – Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016 (Congress.gov)
How China Infiltrated U.S. Classrooms (Politico.com)
America Isn’t Far Off…
Memories banished by Alzheimer’s can in theory be rescued by stimulating nerve cells to grow new connections, a study has shown.
The research,…
“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.” – Dwight D.…
If anyone would like to know the capacity of how the Illuminati and globalists think and plan ahead and then veil and mask their global actions this…
The Force although science fiction is based on Qi or Chi which is our internal and life energy that permeates all things. All the new Disney “PC”…
Director JJ Abrams is no doubt a puppet of the New World Order who creates “PC” social engineering movies designed to get the population thinking how…
Most people think of lobbying in government as big industry companies throwing money at elected officials to get what they want passed into law.…
The discovery of a new supermassive species of dinosaur, one of the biggest ever found, is detailed in new research published today.
With a…
With the considerable jumps in improvement in the areas of realism by improved graphics and interactivity by integrating peripherals into the gaming…
Napster cofounder and billionaire Sean Parker has raised a $9.3 million round of funding for new startup Brigade Media, according to an SEC doc filed…
These days everyone from Microsoft with Illumiroom, to Northrop Grumman with VIPE has their own versions of a Holodeck in development for civilian…
The Vatican’s chief justice feels that President Barack Obama’s policies have been hostile toward Christians.
In an interview with Polonia…
Disney will be releasing Maleficent in May of 2014 starring Angelina Jolie as the “Mistress of All Evil” an interesting choice of subject matter for…
A video about the life of John Lennon, why the United States Government viewed him as a threat, and as someone who needed to be silenced because of…
NASA’s Kepler mission announced Wednesday the discovery of 715 new planets. These newly-verified worlds orbit 305 stars, revealing multiple-planet…
Satoshi Nakamoto stands at the end of his sunbaked driveway looking timorous. And annoyed.
He’s wearing a rumpled T-shirt, old blue jeans and…
All of the debates and all of the forums for the Republicans and Democrats in the 2016 United States of America Presidential Race.
Link to Full Transcript (The New York Times.com)
Link to Full Transcripts of All Past State of the Union Addresses (This…
This is the first 6 minutes from Alex Jones’ documentary that premiered at his “Blueprint to Defeat the New World Order” speaking events in Dallas,…
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